The federal regulations only say that “school personnel” should be involved in the FBA/BIP process, and it is normally the case that some combination of school administrators, teachers, social workers, psychologists and other school workers are involved. However, it is not unusual – and often is highly advisable – for the parents of the student to be involved, as well. There are a few reasons for this:
1. If parents are involved in the FBA/BIP process, then they’re much more likely to be cooperative with school officials when the actual behavior intervention plan is finalized.
2. Parent are capable of providing a great deal of valuable feedback about their children. As well as school officials and teachers know the children they work with, no one is going to know kids better than their parents.
3. Schools that are willing to work with parents in the FBA/BIP process are showing that they have an inclusive approach, and this will help them guard against future litigation.
If the recommendation under a BIP is change of placement of the sped student under 34 CFR 300.536, then the student’s regular IEP team must be involved, and that team includes school personnel but must also include the child’s parents and other people the parents choose to include, including possibly an outside psychologist and/or attorney.