We do a great deal of ADA/504 work for students from kindergarten through graduate school and have received dozens of calls from prospective clients. But we've only litigated one case, and there's a reason for that: getting a doctor to say that a person cannot wear a...
Accommodations under 504
Accommodations under Section 504 If you are a student with a disability, you may be entitled to reasonable accommodations at your college or university. Section 504 requires your college and university to work with you in good faith to find a reasonable accommodation...
Restraints in Public Schools
https://www.vox.com/identities/2019/10/24/20929397/police-officer-excessive-force-school-11-year-old-girl-new-mexico A police restraint by a school resource office against an 11-year-old child at New Mexico’s Mesa View Middle School has renewed the debate about the...
Part 2: Handling Disagreements on Placements of Kids with 504s
Options for resolving disputes regarding a kid on a 504 plan are different than they are for students on an IEP. They're not as efficient and speedy as options for resolving disputes concerning students on an IEP. If there is a dispute involving a student...
My Child is on an IEP and has been Suspended. What do I do?
First off, don't think that you're powerless. Regardless of what the school may tell you, if your son or daughter has an IEP and has been suspended or is facing expulsion, you have a great deal of control over what happens next. Keep the folllowing things...
How Manifestation Determinations Work
Before a student on an IEP or a 504 Plan has a change in placement, a manifestation determination meeting normally is held. Within 10 days of a decision to change the placement of a child on an IEP, the IEP team must have a manifestation determination...
Special Education Students Must Receive Services During Disciplinary Removal
Under th Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, students on an IEP must continue to receive education services when they are removed from their regulation education setting. Normally the removal is through suspension or expulsion. While the student...
Difficult Situation for School and Child Re: 504/IEP
This article raises questions about 504 plans and/or IEPs: Parent Sues School District Over Service Dog For Son With Cerebral Palsy. In this case, a parent of a child with a disability is suing the school district because the district isn't allowing his...