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Truancy and the Colorado Juvenile Justice System

by | Nov 12, 2019 | Education, Expulsion, Firm News, School, School Discipline, Special Education |

The Colorado Revised Statutes outline the laws regarding truancy and require that every school district has an officer specifically responsible for dealing with students who miss school frequently. Every district must have a procedure in place to help children stay in school as well as to get them back in school when they are truant. When a student has four unexcused absences within the span of one month or ten unexcused absences throughout a school year, the student will be considered habitually truant. Disciplinary action may be taken by both the school and the juvenile courts. This action can include, but is not limited to:

  • the student being taken to school by the truancy officer
  • house arrest
  • juvenile detention

Typically, a school district attempts to get the student back into school by holding a meeting with the student and their parents, called a diversion meeting. The parents have the ability to work with the district to create a reentry plan containing requirements that the student must follow in order to avoid discipline through the juvenile courts. A parent can choose to have their attorney present at this meeting.

Disciplinary action does not always end with the student, however. The Colorado Revised Statutes also give power to the Truancy Court to punish parents when their children are habitually truant.

CRS §22-33-104