What is an IEP? An IEP (Individualized Education Program) is the document that describes what a free appropriate education is for an individual child. The IEP outlines what the least restrictive environment is for an individual student and what additional aids and...
Firm News
Title IX In General
Title IX is an antidiscrimination statute passed in 1972 that applies to schools and colleges that receive federal funding. Under Title IX, schools that receivesfederal funds cannot discriminate against any person on the basis of sex. Title IX covers any public or...
Overview of DORA
The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (or DORA) regulates a variety of industries and professions, including barber shops, addiction counselors, pharmacists, certified nurse aides, nurses and physicians. DORA is composed of several divisions that, with the...
Truancy and the Colorado Juvenile Justice System
The Colorado Revised Statutes outline the laws regarding truancy and require that every school district has an officer specifically responsible for dealing with students who miss school frequently. Every district must have a procedure in place to help children stay in...
In Colorado, the Juvenile Criminal Code can be found in the Children's Code of the Colorado Revised Statutes. The law gives the juvenile court the power to preside over any child who has been accused of committing a “delinquent act.” Common delinquent acts include but...
What does Free Appropriate Public Education mean?
Federal law requires all states to provide a free appropriate public education to all children with disabilities in their state. So what does “free appropriate public education” mean? Let’s take a look: FREE – ALL students with disabilities will be provided an...
What Is FAPE?
Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, a federal law, all states must provide a free appropriate public education (commonly abbreviated as “FAPE”) to ALL students in their state (even students that have been expelled). States are also required to...
What is Title IX?
Title IX is an anti-discrimination statute passed in 1972 that applies to schools and colleges that receive federal funding. Under Title IX, college that receives federal funds cannot discriminate against any person on the basis of sex. Title IX covers any public or...
Colorado Teachers Face Unique Challenges Under State Criminal Sealing Laws
The most valuable asset that any licensed professional has is their license to practice in their chosen field, and of course teachers are no different in this regard. No matter how good you may be in your career, it makes no difference if you lose your license...
How to Use FBA and BIP Information
The most important thing to understand about the relationship between FBAs and BIPs is that the findings of the FBA must ultimately be the foundation for the recommendations of the BIP. The FBA exists to identify why the child is acting the way he or she is,...